So this morning I went for a HIDA scan due to my recent stomach problems, like most people would I read up on it a little bit before hand, but not too much as the internet can be full of scare stories etc.

The first part of the scan where they inject you with the radioactive isotope was fine, slightly uncomfortable lying on a tiny “tray” for an hour but otherwise ok, oh and the nurse put on Jeremy Kyle to keep me amused, a programme I never watch but if someone else puts it on I can get drawn into it 😉

After the hour was up the nurse gave me the most vile drink on earth, she did warn me it was gross, it was meant to taste of strawberry but was more like smelly feet, the consistency was gloopy and oily, she said years ago at the old hospital they used to give out bacon rolls or Mars bars lol, So back under the scanner to see if my gallbladder would empty efficiently and that’s when the nausea & pain began.

At first it was just crampy but by the time we took a break I felt like it was a full on attack. I asked if this was normal, they said if that’s how I would react to a fatty meal then it’s normal as it’s the only way they can check my gallbladders efficiency.  I’ve not ate a meal for weeks but that  was the similar throbbing in the abdomen and stabby shoulder pain, deferred pain is a funny thing!

So at the end she said my gallbladder had partially emptied into my small intestine but was still quite full so it will probably be bye bye gallbladder but it will be up to the surgeon and what he takes from the report.

The rest of the day has been spent in doped up pain, I’ve taken everything I can, I feel woozy but still have the pain, I’ve reached the “take me to the hospital now” point a few times but my experience from my last admission has kept me here.

When I started my nursing course I felt young and healthy, now I feel old and ill and very much the patient. I have to take 28 tablets a day to keep me alive, some of the physicians I’ve met don’t think about this when adding in new meds, luckily my GP is good with my medications management and takes me off anything I can do without.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a healthier day, I knew it was bad today when I didn’t enjoy my Starbucks and actually wanted to stay off as opposed to fighting the sick line.

Maybe tomorrow….